Sunday, 23 June 2013

Paying the Love Forward....The Liebster Blog Award

Guess what?
My little blog has been nominated for a very special award!!

Some BLOG love in the form of the Liebster Award.
 I am honoured!

Thank you so much lovely Amy from Sugar Bucket Ink for nominating me!
You can see her post here.

To accept the award, you need to thank the person who gave it to you and link back to their blog.
Post the award on your blog. Give the award to five other bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
Write a comment on their blog to let them know they have been nominated.

It was  hard to choose only five amongst so many wonderful blogs that I love to visit.
Here are the five amazing ladies I would like to honour with this award:-

Please, visit their fabulous blogs for tons of inspiration!!

Thank you again Amy for thinking of me : )
The papercrafting community is such a wonderful place to be!